Monday 12 March 2012

Our new pets

It was a sad day yesterday when Patrick discovered that his guinea pigs, Homer and Marg, were no longer in their enclosure. We are not sure what caused their disappearance, but Patrick was consoled by the option of getting another guinea pig. After some modifications to 'Guinea Pig Mountain' (removal of mountain) it has been renamed by Adam as 'Guinea Pig Paddock'. The paddock will be used a play area and the new pets will be housed in the metal cage at other times.

This afternoon, Adam and the boys returned with two young guinea pigs purchased from a breeder nearby. Patrick decided that he wanted a long haired guinea pig because he wants to 'style' its hair on a weekly basis. Its name is 'Diesel'. James has named his black and brown guinea pig 'Turbo'. They have already spent some time exploring the paddock.

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