Saturday 10 March 2012

The long weekend...

Our long weekend began with two visitors for a sleepover Friday night, Tyson and Cooper, who are friends of James and Patrick. The four boys were fairly self sufficient, entertaining themselves outside and watching 'Back to the Future' before bed. We just had to ensure there was a good supply of food and that they showered at the end of the day.

The next morning, Ian arrived to collect the three males for the long awaited, much anticipated, journey to 'Craig's Hut'. In the photos you can see them loading the truck, which was packed to the brim. I just hope Adam didn't forget anything important this time. He packed Rosie's dog mat last time, thinking it was his sleeping bag (same colour!). It was very funny. Luckily, I pointed this out to him before he left. We look forward to hearing about their adventures.

Later on, Sophie and I met her friend Scarlett at the playground which was followed by their weekly ballet class. We then baked scones for my nan and spent the afternoon at her place. Nan loved the scones. They are her favourite sweet treat.

On Saturday night, Sophie and I had a 'picnic' in the rumpus room before watching a movie. We also enjoyed nan's homemade passionfruit trifle. An impressive effort for a 90 year old!

Sophie enjoying her 'big girl chino' at breakfast.

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