Sunday 25 March 2012

Our weekend!

We have just recovered from a full weekend of fun filled activities! It all started with James attending his basketball end of season party at Darkzone on Friday night (while Adam stayed home and planted the 40th conifer tree along the front of our property!!) ,Cooper's 4th birthday party on Saturday morning, Sophie's ballet class, the school fete (1pm til 8pm where Adam cooked sausages and I sold coffees whilst keeping an eye on the boys), Adam packing up at the school until 11pm followed by beers with the other dads, a visit from mum, football Sunday morning, James attending a friend's party Sunday afternoon, then we finished with afternoon tea at our place with Big Pa, Ben, Ula, Paul and  baby William on Sunday afternoon. Adam and I are now catching up on home duties while the children are at school. We are looking forward to our movie night tonight!

At 11 months, William is already taking a few steps.

                      Patrick and Sophie playing after the fete. Pat as 'caveman' and Soph playing dead.

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