Wednesday 4 January 2012

Sophie's new bike

Yesterday, while the boys were busy playing with friends, Sophie and Adam visited Granny and Pa and had planned to get another fruit tree from Bunnings. When they returned home, there was a new girls bike in the back of the car! Adam explained that he and Sophie agreed that she needed a "girls" bike to ride instead of the old "boys" bike she has been using.

I asked Sophie why she chose the bike: "because dad said it's the monster bike for big has a pretend flower on the basket and grass on it and a bubba seat and a bell. They are all the things I loved. Adara has one of those bikes with the bubba seat".

That afternoon, Sophie rode her new bike up and down the driveway ensuring that each of her bubbas had a ride in the seat and basket. She cannot wait to go on a real family bike ride on her own bike (she is too old to be sitting on the back of Adam's bike now). Sophie also wants to Holly to know that the bike has a name on it - "Holly".

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