Tuesday 3 January 2012

Our garden

The hot weather and rain have been perfect conditions for our new vegetable garden. We have harvested all the butter lettuce so far and will soon have an abundance of cherry tomatoes and other varieties.

Prior to Christmas, Adam also found time to work on some steps leading from the upper part of the backyard to the lower part. As pictured, there is also a  bench seat at the top of the stairs. Once the hot weather subsides, we will begin planting which will make make the area more appealing. There is always something to do in the backyard!

Patrick's guinea pigs, Homer and and Marg, are enjoying their new home, otherwise known as 'Guinea Pig Mountain'. Patrick visits his pets morning and night with a handful of pellets. We have noticed that they begin to make their squeaking noises when they hear Patrick putting on his boots at the back door with food in hand. In addition to the pellets, they eat the grass and now share vegetable scraps with the chickens. Patrick tried to catch one for a photo but they are very fast and have lots of hiding places amongst the long grass and pipes that run through the 'mountain'.

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