Sunday 12 August 2012

Our weekend...

We have come to the end of a busy weekend. Saturday morning started with Patrick's 8.30am basketball game where he shot his first goal for the season! He was very proud of himself. Maybe those three boiled eggs on toast for breakfast before the game gave him extra energy.

Afterwards, we drove to Mornington for lunch and a walk near the beach. It was our first visit to Mornington and we now understand the appeal of the area. It is one of mum's favourite places to visit. We plan to visit again soon and explore the area some more.

Once back at home, we prepared for our dinner guests. It was a relaxing night where the children (and adults!) had some fun.

Sophie decided to dress up as "half barbie half fairy" to Scarlett's party on Sunday.

It was mum and dad's birthday on Friday and we had an afternoon tea for them on Sunday afternoon. All in all, a great weekend where we managed to see both families and eat too much food!

In between all this, Patrick and James also found time to work on their Warhammer models. You have inspired them Mitchell! They will update soon.

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