Sunday 19 August 2012

Adam's Birthday

We celebrated Adam's birthday this weekend. We started on Saturday night with dinner and a movie.
On Sunday morning, he was greeted by the children with an array of presents and cards followed by pancakes, berries and cream for breakfast.

We visited a local Chinese restaurant for the early 11am Yum Cha (we had to pace ourselves for the big day of eating ahead!). James and Adam devoured the crispy pork belly whilst Patrick and Sophie favoured the prawn wontons.

We then decided to visit the nearby Athletics track for some exercise between courses. Sophie loved racing against Adam and has already scheduled another visit there on Tuesday. 

We then visited mum's for a lovely spread of afternoon tea to celebrate Adam's and Matthew's birthdays.

We ended the birthday celebrations with a family dinner where Adam had requested his long time favourite meal of roast lamb, red wine, apple roly poly, cream, ice cream, tea cake and various other yummy treats to follow. A great birthday weekend and I noticed that he left for work today with a packed lunch of two apples, tuna and rice cakes. The birthday indulgence is now over until the big one next year!

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