Saturday 25 August 2012

Book Week Parade

On Friday, Sophie dressed up as 'Rosetta' (one of the tinkerbell fairies) for the Book Week Parade at the ELC. Each child stood up in front of the audience and announced their name and the book character they were dressed as.

Rosie visited the vet on Friday for some grooming and returned looking very different. Now that her thick coat has been cut short, she needs to wear her little woollen jumper at night. She does not complain.

Thursday 23 August 2012

Chess set

The boys have been putting the new chess set to good use...9pm is approaching and the game is still in progress!

Sunday 19 August 2012

Adam's Birthday

We celebrated Adam's birthday this weekend. We started on Saturday night with dinner and a movie.
On Sunday morning, he was greeted by the children with an array of presents and cards followed by pancakes, berries and cream for breakfast.

We visited a local Chinese restaurant for the early 11am Yum Cha (we had to pace ourselves for the big day of eating ahead!). James and Adam devoured the crispy pork belly whilst Patrick and Sophie favoured the prawn wontons.

We then decided to visit the nearby Athletics track for some exercise between courses. Sophie loved racing against Adam and has already scheduled another visit there on Tuesday. 

We then visited mum's for a lovely spread of afternoon tea to celebrate Adam's and Matthew's birthdays.

We ended the birthday celebrations with a family dinner where Adam had requested his long time favourite meal of roast lamb, red wine, apple roly poly, cream, ice cream, tea cake and various other yummy treats to follow. A great birthday weekend and I noticed that he left for work today with a packed lunch of two apples, tuna and rice cakes. The birthday indulgence is now over until the big one next year!

Thursday 16 August 2012


Today was another busy day in our family. James participated in the school athletics, competing in every event on offer for his age group. He was awarded second place in the 100m and 200m race. Adam and I enjoyed watching him compete. He loves a competition!

Sophie attended kinder followed by her first transition session for prep. She came home in good spirits. Meanwhile, Patrick travelled around with me in 'mum's taxi' due to a sore finger. We ended the day with a visit to the GP and he is now on antibiotics to treat the infection. We never have to wonder what to do around here. With three children, there is always something on!

Sunday 12 August 2012

Our weekend...

We have come to the end of a busy weekend. Saturday morning started with Patrick's 8.30am basketball game where he shot his first goal for the season! He was very proud of himself. Maybe those three boiled eggs on toast for breakfast before the game gave him extra energy.

Afterwards, we drove to Mornington for lunch and a walk near the beach. It was our first visit to Mornington and we now understand the appeal of the area. It is one of mum's favourite places to visit. We plan to visit again soon and explore the area some more.

Once back at home, we prepared for our dinner guests. It was a relaxing night where the children (and adults!) had some fun.

Sophie decided to dress up as "half barbie half fairy" to Scarlett's party on Sunday.

It was mum and dad's birthday on Friday and we had an afternoon tea for them on Sunday afternoon. All in all, a great weekend where we managed to see both families and eat too much food!

In between all this, Patrick and James also found time to work on their Warhammer models. You have inspired them Mitchell! They will update soon.

Sunday 5 August 2012

A letter for Sophie

Whenever we check our mail box, Sophie asks whether there is any mail for her. Much to her disappointment, it is usually filled with bills! After kinder today, she checked the mail box and was pleased to receive a birthday invitation from her friend, Scarlett. She is very excited about next weekend and is already planning her outfit.