Sunday 18 December 2011

Christmas is coming!

There is a lot of excitement in our house this week about the long awaited, much anticipated Christmas day. James, Patrick and Sophie placed their Santa requests weeks ago. Surprisingly, they have all requested the same gift this year - an ipod touch. Each day in December has started with a chocolate from their Christmas calendar and frequent discussion about how many days there are until Christmas. We decorated the tree in the first week of December and the children have all been busy writing Christmas cards to their friends. Sophie has her kinder Christmas party and final 3 year old sesssion today and the boys finish school on the 22nd. We are all looking forward to a relaxing six week break spent at home without the need to 'rush'.

This year, we are spending Christmas eve and Christmas day at home. Travis and family are visiting for a Christmas Eve dinner and we will have Ian, Claire, Jean, Lisa, Justin and kids for Christmas lunch. After lunch, the adults will have some fun with the $20 gift exchange game. We are looking forward to a relaxed lunch and lots of excitement from the six children!
We are also hosting Christmas night with my extended family this year. We will have several visitors including,  my parents, brothers, sister in law, nana, great aunt, uncle, aunt, second cousins and of course 'baby William' (as referred to by Sophie) for his first Christmas. It will be great to catch up with everyone and enjoy our first Christmas at home.

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