Sunday 26 May 2013

What a great weekend!

James had a GREAT weekend. It all started on Friday night when we went out for a family dinner together (he ordered his all time favourite - sushi). We then visited the Apple store where he used his birthday money to purchase a mini Ipad.

On Saturday, he played exceptionally well in basketball, scoring 14 points for his team and his team won 36 to 12. He spent the rest of the day with Tyson and Dom, a takeaway dinner at home and then out to a friend's to watch Essendon defeat Richmond.

Sunday morning began with a hearty breakfast of eggs and toast in preparation for the big Jets football match against Croydon. The good breakfast paid off with James scoring one goal and two points for the team! The Jets won 85 to 51.

While Pat was at a friend's party and Sophie and I at an 'Alice in Wonderland' ballet performance, James and Adam visited Grandma K to report on his football match. She loved hearing about the football.

Another dinner with friends on Sunday night and our weekend was complete. Now James and Pat need an early night in preparation for the District Cross Country tomorrow. Adam and I are enjoying a little down time today until the activities begin again this afternoon.

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