Monday 14 May 2012


After school today, we managed to try out a new barber and BOTH boys had haircuts! Hardly newsworthy you may think, but the boys have been reluctant to have their hair cut for some time and with the recent lice outbreak at school, I (the chief delouser in our house) thought it was a much needed event. I think the reward of two packets of football cards afterwards assisted my efforts of persuasion. The boys are both pleased with their new hairstyles.

Yesterday, we celebrated a lovely Mother's Day with many thoughtful cards and gifts from the school Mother's day stalls. Sophie was particularly excited about the day and has been making me 'early' Mother's Day cards for weeks. I was 'presented' with a variety of gifts, some of which she described as 'the most useful' (a folding shopping bag). The boys were very helpful setting the table for lunch. Adam cooked a beautiful pumpkin soup for lunch (vegetarian, of course). Oh yes, you will all be shocked to hear that my beloved meat eating, cream loving husband has made a significant dietary change in his life. For the past week, he has been on a diet free of animal fats due to a high cholesterol result. He is hoping to reduce his cholesterol over the next couple of months.

In the evening, we organised a Mother's Day dinner at a Chinese restaurant with mum, dad and Matt. It was a relaxed way to spend Mother's Day (so relaxed that I forgot to bring the camera!).

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