Thursday 9 February 2012

End of a big week

It has been a big week for everyone. The boys had their first full week back at school, Sophie commenced her pre-prep 3 day program at Tintern, and Adam and I experienced a different type of week where we had three days without children at home from 9 til 3.30. A welcome change after close to ten years with at least one child at home during the week.

Sophie has adjusted beautifully to her new routine and spoke this afternoon about her day. She told me that her teachers and class "prayed with a boy called Father....can't remember the other name... and it was really weird" (demonstrating how she was instructed to hold her hands whilst praying).

Later, when I explained prayer she stated: "I believe God's real. I love God because he builded us...and mum". I had to laugh to myself. They say some cute things sometimes!

Adam spent some time today modifying the chicken coop. They have grown so much that they weren't able to fit into the nesting boxes. We are expecting fresh eggs very soon!

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