Tuesday 19 February 2013

Sophie's award

On Monday, Sophie was awarded 'Aussie of the Week' from her teacher for her "great efforts when writing". She very proudly and confidently accepted her award in front of all the teachers, parents and students at assembly. Well done Soph!

Tuesday 5 February 2013

Sophie's day off

Sophie has been enjoying her time at school so far. Today was her midweek day off and she enjoyed playing the 'Sophie Cinderella game' in the afternoon, which involves dressing up and accessorising for a 'ball' where she dances.

Monday 4 February 2013

The pool has begun!

Excavation for our pool started today. The pool will be 12 m x 4 m with an 'endless edge' on one side. We are all very excited and will enjoy watching the building progress each day (especially Adam!).