Tuesday 29 January 2013

Sophie's first day...

Today was Sophie's first day of prep. She has been counting down the days for a while now and the day finally arrived with much excitement. It is a surreal feeling to have THREE school aged children. We are very proud parents!

It helps when you are familiar with the walk up to the school

Getting settled in the classroom...so happy to be in a class with her best friend, Scarlett

The boys however, were not so excited about the new school year...they've quite enjoyed the relaxed nature of a six week summer break.

After we left Sophie in her classroom, Adam and I went to the 'Tears and Cheers' to meet other parents. I could relate to another mum of three when she said that she's on 'long service leave' now that her youngest has started school. After 11 years at home with child/ren, about time!